Your generosity during BDRC's end-of-year appeal raised well over $15,000 to help support the ongoing development of our new online education platform—which has just launched its first courses! Thank you for helping make this possible!
Now, in the spirit of BDRC's founder E. Gene Smith, we're asking for your help to give the gift of Dharma and facilitate the spreading of Tibetan Buddhist literature by supporting the dissemination of 250 Digital Library Drives.
A Digital Library Drive is a PDF library on an external hard drive that contains all non-copyrighted works from BDRC's vast archive. 250 Digital Library Drives will be freely distributed across the Tibetan plateau and in other locations, such as monasteries in India. The drives ensure that people in areas with no internet access can benefit from BDRC's work to preserve Buddhism's rich literary heritage. Without BDRC's Digital Library Drives, many precious texts would be impossible for people to read, study, or share.
A $117 donation will support the creation and distribution of one Digital Library Drive. Please consider supporting our Spring Appeal and give the gift of Dharma.

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