Your Donation is

Preserving Buddhist Literature for the World

BDRC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.
All donations are tax deductible in the U.S.A.

As a nonprofit organization, BDRC relies on the donations and support of users and individuals like you. Every year, thousands of people visit our site for free access to the treasures of Buddhist literature. Your generosity helps to preserve Buddhist literature for the benefit of all, for all time.

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a Dharma Protector

a Donor

The Future

Other Ways
to Support BDRC

Whether you use the archive yourself, or wish to support others who do so, we welcome you to join our donor community. From all those who access the Dharma through BDRC, thank you !

Learn more

PayPal Giving Fund

Donate to PayPal Giving Fund or start a PayPal Fundraiser.

Mail a Check

Buddhist Digital Resource Center
198 Tremont St. 
Boston, MA, USA 02116


Please email us at for wire transfer instructions.


Make a gift of cryptocurrency.

double donation

Many employers in the United States have a matching grant program whereby they match and sometimes even double any donations you make to registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations like BDRC.

Become a Dharma Protector

To secure the future of the archive, we invite all our supporters, friends, and users of the archive to become recurring donors and join our vital mission to preserve Buddhist literature for the world. Will you join the Dharma Protectors' Circle, the vibrant community of donors who keep the archive online and ensure BDRC's sustainability?


We are committed to keeping this precious resource free 
– now and for future generations.

Would you like to double 
your donation?

Many employers in the United States have a matching grant program whereby they match and sometimes even double any donations you make to registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations like BDRC.


Crypto Philanthropy is a new and thrilling fundraising avenue for nonprofit organizations like BDRC. With more than 300 million crypto users worldwide and the value of many cryptocurrencies rising, the crypto community is in a position to make a wide-reaching impact through philanthropy.

2018 BDRC logged web sessions Map

In 2022 BDRC logged more than 220,000 web sessions from 93,934 unique users in 152 countries.

learn more about our programs

Help Us Grow Our Archive

With more than 73,000 volumes digitized, and 29 million pages of Buddhist texts made freely accessible to the public, BDRC's archive is the largest digital collection of Buddhist texts in the world.